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Screen Shot 2016-03-10 at 1.55.47 PMNEW YORK, NY — March 10, 2016 — Servicejoy today announced that its Visual Invoicing is now available for all Servicejoy subscribers.

To improve the invoice and estimate experience Servicejoy now includes basic and advanced text styling – a feature that revolutionizes online invoicing industry. Say goodbye to impractical text boxes! Say Hello to Basic & Advanced Styling.


Basic & Advanced styling
styles like bold and italic with ease, as well as more complex styling and semantic rules defined by Servicejoy users. Rich styles, under control.

Plain text may be boring. It’s sometimes nice to distinguish or highlight text with color to give invoices more personality. With the color selector this job is a few clicks away.

Real block-quoting
Properly quote invoice and estimate item texts.

Pictures and photos bring life to invoices. With Servicejoy it’s easy to insert and configure images in invoice and estimate item — only takes a few clicks.

Smilies (yes you read it right!)
Servicejoy online invoicing is sure used for business, but many desire to express their feelings in text. This update comes with a set of exclusively designed smiley graphics that can easily accomplish that.


Servicejoy continues to revolutionize online invoicing since the introduction of the first release in 2011. Today, Servicejoy serves many small and medium size service-based businesses around the world.



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