Our Story
Servicejoy was created with the sole purpose of providing a new perspective when it comes to online invoicing, one that helps small business owners, entrepreneurs and freelancers focus more on their work and creativity instead of wasting their time on accounting-related tasks.
We launched Servicejoy back in 2012 and now we are an important part for thousands of small businesses located all over the world. We took it as our responsibility to provide Servicejoy customers with best possible invoicing and estimate tools, online (and offline) payment collection features, task management, inventory tracking, team collaboration, instant reports, as well as a good way to track expenses and more all from the same platform.
At Servicejoy we strongly believe that business should focus more on perfecting their products, services and reaching new clients instead of invoicing and accounting. That’s why we built Servicejoy and that’s why, up to this date, small business owners, entrepreneurs and freelancers adhered to it.