Yes, Servicejoy is very well suited for subscription based billing. You can set up recurring profiles that generate invoices automatically on a consistent basis! With this feature, you can set up recurring invoices to your client so you don’t have to do it over and over again (saving you time and money!).
To set up recurring profiles that automatically generate invoices at a regular interval:
- Head over to the “Invoices” tab and click on the “Recurring” sub-tab
- Click on the “+ New Recurring Profile” button
- Filling out the recurring profile is just like creating a one-time invoice, with a few extra features:
- “Start Date” – the day you want the first invoice to send out. Usually the 1st of the month or the first day your client signs up for a service.
- “How Often” – how often you want to the invoices to send out. There are many different options ranging from weekly to yearly for your convenience.
- “How Many” – how many invoices you want to send out in total for this recurring profile.
Example: if you are charging someone for a year’s subscription on a monthly basis you would set “Frequency” to monthly and “Occurrences” to 12. - Prorate first invoice for [x] days: use prorating for your invoices if you do not want to charge the full amount for the first invoice.
- Click “Save” when your profile has been created. This profile can be edited later at any time. The first invoice will go out on the “Start date” and all invoices created by recurring profiles will be in your list in the standard “Invoices” tab.
Note: If you set your start date for today, it will be sent out immediately!
How do I charge my client up-front?
Good question! Simply create a recurring invoice with a current date and prorated with the desired days. Once you click “Save”, the first invoice will be sent out immediately. After this simply change the “Start Date” to the next desired day of the month. Usually the 1st of the month.